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人際網絡是發展成功事業的重要元素之一,SPEED致力推動不同的師生交流活動,藉以建立互動的緊密關係。由SPEED及英國University of Birmingham 合辦的MBA課程於2008年11月12日舉行舊生聚會,而University of Birmingham的Centre for Leadership的中心院長Professor Chris Mabey亦於百忙中抽空出席。Professor Mabey 與SPEED的羅文強院長跟出席畢業生及同學分享如何於知識型經濟社會環境下加強領導能力及刺激新思維。Professor Mabey指出,領導人材不再是單一獨立個體,他們需具備不同的知識領域及穩固的社交人脈網絡,並能帶領下屬以新思維一起迎接工作上的不同挑戰,多聽取下屬意見,集思廣益;這是領導人材於知識型社會致勝的重要因素。

英國University of Birmingham的
Professor Mabey 與舊生交流心得
A Sharing on “Leadership” with University of Birmingham Alumni by Professor MabeyNetworking is one of the factors for successful career development. An MBA Alumni drink reception was held on 12 November, 2008 for alumni and current students. During the reception, Professor Chris Mabey, Director of the Centre for Leadership of University of Birmingham, and Dr. Jack Lo, Director of SPEED, shared their thoughts on how to strengthen leadership skill under this socio-economic environment. Professor Mabey gave a short speech entitled “Leadership in a knowledge-based economy: why are conventional models outmoded”. Professor Mabey said that new leaders need to be embedded in their workplace, involving multiple constituencies and should possess broad knowledge for developing a successful career. A leader should also encourage creativity among the staff and listen to feedback. This is what a new leader should possess in a modern knowledge-based economy.

University of Birmingham 師生大合照