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俗語有云:條條大路通羅馬。這句話,從應屆SPEED畢業生Alex Hung 的訪談中最能體現。
由修讀PolyU Hong Kong Community College (HKCC) 的副學士課程開始,再升讀SPEED的商業文學士,繼而晉身成為浸會大學金融系哲學碩士研究生,Alex說轉捩點始於SPEED的學位銜接課程。

From Associate Degree to Master of Philosophy
“The lecturers of SPEED opened up my mind and stimulated my interest on pursuing knowledge.” said Mr Alex Hung, a current student of Master of Philosophy in Finance and Decision Science of the Hong Kong Baptist University, and a graduate of SPEED studying Bachelor of Arts in Business (International Business).

Alex had finished his top-up degree programme in SPEED in summer 2008 and has just started his master’s degree in September 2008. When he studied in SPEED, he profoundly remembered that one of his lecturers always reminded him to develop good presentation skill as well as pursuit of knowledge. Besides, lecturers of SPEED had directed him to a new horizon in his learning path and enlightened his attitude towards lifelong learning. He encourages his fellow students wholeheartedly, “Try your best in any circumstances. Treasure every opportunity and you can achieve your goal as others do.”