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其中國際暑期學習獎學金及中國文化交流獎學金計劃,可以讓學員前往外國大學如美國University of North Texas及University of Buffalo,和加拿大University of Victoria作學習交流,或到中國內地大型機構,如中央電視台、大唐電訊及中國銀行等實習並汲取寶貴經驗。
SPEED除了為學生提供海外交流外,亦安排他們到本地大型機構實習,包括進邦匯理有限公司及香港房屋協會等,讓學生學以致用,深化他們的課堂知識,以應付投身社會後的各種挑戰 。

Enrich Learning through Practice
Knowledge can only achieve mastery through comprehensive study and practices. SPEED offers its students different internship opportunities in collaboration with renowned local corporations and scholarship schemes for cultural exchanges every year. Through these programmes, students can broaden their horizon and enrich their study life.

SPEED’s Cultural Exchange Scholarship for the Chinese Mainland offers opportunities for students to be exposed to the work environment and the cultural way of life in China during summer break, while the International Summer School Scholarship provides students with the opportunity to pursue study at selected overseas universities, such as University of North Texas, during summer holidays. In addition, there are also different local internship programmes supported by well-known corporations such as Altruist Financial Group and Hong Kong Housing Society.

吳娟 商業文學士(國際商業)2年級學生

陳麗儀 商業文學士(國際商業)2年級學生
「我是修讀International Business課程的,我希望透過到內地交流,可以擴闊人際網絡,而且希望學好普通話,有助未來的事業發展。」
The 2007/08 SPEED Scholarships Award Presentation Ceremony was held on 11 October, 2008. 8 students were presented the International Summer Scholarship and 24 students received the Cultural Exchange Scholarship for Chinese Mainland.