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Reflections on the Lifelong Benefits of
SPEED Education

SPEED's new logo signifies a renewed vigour in our endeavours to become one of the leading players in the continuing education community in Hong Kong. It reflects our dynamic organization and our progressive attitude towards education. The incorporation into the logo of the mathematical symbol for the “final answer” as part of our corporate identity is a sign of our unceasing commitment to provide high quality and professional education programmes to meet the learning needs of students at different levels of personal and career development.

The contemporary logo of our School also symbolizes the School's aspiration to move forward with students and its willingness to go the extra miles for their long-term benefits. The new logo's fluid upward movement defines SPEED as an organization in motion and also as a driving force for innovation in education. It underlines the dynamism and enthusiasm of both our students and staff.

Staff participation in the logo's development through a tagline competition has been essential to taking this fresh look to a further level of excellence. We now have three brand new taglines that aptly represent the spirit of SPEED:

* Your aspiration... Our mission
* It's more than lifelong learning
* Live and learn with SPEED

SPEED values highly our staff contributions in the School's development and our appreciation goes to all those who participated in the tagline competition.

We at SPEED are dedicated to providing our students with a wide array of student-oriented activities to enrich their learning experience. Our close partnership with businesses and industries stands us in good stead in this undertaking. One of the highlights of this is the Business Innovation Awards, organized in collaboration with EDUplus of the Sing Tao News Corporation with sponsorship from the Education Bureau and Centaline Property Agency Limited. We hope that this exciting opportunity will equip students to handle future challenges along their future career path.

In addition, our International Summer School Scholarship and Cultural Exchange Scholarship for the Chinese Mainland have proven to be very popular with our students, enabling them to pursue their studies overseas and gain valuable working experience in China.

All of our activities are developed with only one over-arching objective in mind - to prepare our students to meet the challenges of the emerging knowledge-based economy. We look forward to seeing you in our School to share this most rewarding learning experience.

Dr Jack M.K. Lo
Acting Director of SPEED

終身學習 畢生受用





* Your aspiration... Our mission
* It's more than lifelong learning
* Live and learn with SPEED






SPEED is the first continuing education institution in Hong Kong organizing Business Innovation Awards 2007. The competition provides an opportunity for these students to present their creative ideas in the business world. In collaboration with EDUplus of the Sing Tao News Corporation, SPEED also receives sponsorship from Education Bureau and Centaline Property Agency Limited.

Participating teams were required to write a business plan for the Whitehead Club to help improve its market position and business value.

The judging panel was comprised of academic and industry professionals

The competition attracted 12 business proposals from various institutions. Five proposals were short-listed and the teams had to present their proposals in English.

All the participants put in their best efforts and performed excellently during the presentations. The judging panel, comprising academic and industry professionals, has selected winners of the Gold, Silver, Bronze and the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Marketing Award.

The Gold Award winning team, "Intellects", came from the Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT). They proposed numerous innovative projects, including a hot-air balloon service, an 18-hole mini-golf course, and tree-planting facilities.


The Silver Award was won by "SCS-HRM" from the School of Continuing Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. They suggested building a "Puppy Paradise", a park for dogs.

"Paradise Workshop", from HKCT clinched both the Bronze Award, as well as the CIM Marketing Award. The team proposed building a mini-horse playground and a family war-game zone at the Club.

The ceremony held on 27 April at the PolyU campus witnessed a large turn-out. SPEED offers scholarship to the three winning teams for enrollment in the PolyU SPEED Top-up degree programmes, which help equip themselves for their future career development.






銀獎隊伍為香港中文大學專業進修學院的SCS-HRM Team。他們建議興建專為狗隻而設的公園。

同時勇奪銅獎及CIM市務大獎的Paradise Workshop亦是來自港專的隊伍。他們提議興建小型騎馬遊樂場及家庭戰略遊樂區。


The Gold Award Winning Team - Intellects
Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT)
金獎隊伍:Intellects - 香港專業進修學校(港專)