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Special Arrangements during Bad Weather



1. Tropical Cyclone Warning
2. Rainstorm Warning

1. Tropical Cyclone Warning


No. 1 or 3

Classes/examinations will be held as scheduled.

If Signal
No. 8 or above is hoisted or announcement is made by the Hong Kong Observatory that Signal No. 8 or above is likely to be hoisted within the next two hours at anytime during the following time/period

Arrangements for Classes

For classes already started if the warning

Is being hoisted

Lecturers shall release students attending classes to go home immediately.

Is likely to be hoisted within 2 hours

Lecturers shall release students attending classes to go home as soon as possible.

For classes not yet started if the warning is hoisted or in force

At or after 6:30 am

All day classes* starting before 2:00 pm will be cancelled automatically.

At or after 12:00 noon

All afternoon classes* starting at any time from 2:00 pm and before 6:30 pm will be cancelled automatically.

At or after 4:30 pm

All evening classes* starting from 6:30 pm onward will be cancelled automatically.

Arrangements for Examinations

Within 2 hours before the start of a scheduled examination

Examination^ will be postponed.

During an examination

Examination^ will continue unless otherwise announced by the School.

Lowered 2 hours before an examination starts

Examination^ will be held as scheduled unless otherwise announced by the School.

Arrangements for Make-up Classes / Revised Examination Schedule

The SPEED office will contact students concerned on revised examination / class arrangements within 5 working days after the warning has been lowered.

*    If the class has a Lecture which is followed immediately by a Tutorial, it will be regarded as two different class sessions.
(For example, if the Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8 / Black Rainstorm Warning is lowered at or after 6:30 am and before 12:00 noon, the Lecture starting at 1:00 pm will be cancelled while the Tutorial starting at 2:00 pm will be held as scheduled.)

^   For oral examination, starting time refers to the commencement of the whole session (e.g. Morning Session - 9:00 am to 12:00 noon or Afternoon Session -1:00 pm to 4:00 pm) of the oral examination for a subject instead of the examination timeslot of an individual student. 

Announcements made by the Education Bureau on cancellation/postponement of classes/examinations are not applicable to the School.

2. Rainstorm Warning


Amber Alerts

Classes/examinations will be held as scheduled.

Red Warning

Classes/examinations will be held as scheduled unless otherwise announced by the School.


Black Warning


For classes and examinations not yet started if the warning is hoisted or in force

At or after 6:30 am

All day classes* starting before 2:00 pm will be cancelled automatically.
Examinations^ starting before 2:00 pm will be postponed.

At or after 12:00 noon

All afternoon classes* starting at any time from 2:00 pm and before 6:30 pm will be cancelled automatically.
Examinations^ starting at any time from 2:00 pm and before 6:30 pm will be postponed.

At or after 4:30 pm

All evening classes* starting from 6:30 pm onward will be cancelled automatically.
Examinations^ starting from 6:30 pm onward will be postponed.

For examinations not yet started if the warning is hoisted or in force

Within 2 hours before the start of a scheduled examination^

Examination will be postponed.

Cancelled 2 hours before an examination starts^

Examination will be held as scheduled unless otherwise announced by the School.

For classes and examinations already started

  1. If the Black Rainstorm Warning is issued during office hours or in the evenings when classes/examinations are already in progress, all classes/examinations will continue unless otherwise announced by the School.  This is in line with Government advice that people should take shelter in a safe place during a Black Rainstorm Warning. 

  2. If the warning is still in force when classes/examinations end, you are advised to stay on campus for your own safety until the warning has been cancelled or the traffic conditions have improved.  Air-conditioning will be maintained whenever practicable while the warning is current.

  3. If you need help, please contact the Campus Security Control Centre at 3746 0999 (West Kowloon Campus) / 3746 0666 (Hung Hom Bay Campus) / 2766 7666 (PolyU Main Campus).

Arrangements for Make-up Classes / Revised Examination Schedule

The SPEED office will contact students concerned on revised examination / class arrangements within 5 working days after the warning has been lowered.

*    If the class has a Lecture which is followed immediately by a Tutorial, it will be regarded as two different class sessions.
(For example, if the Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8 / Black Rainstorm Warning is lowered at or after 6:30 am and before 12:00 noon, the Lecture starting at 1:00 pm will be cancelled while the Tutorial starting at 2:00 pm will be held as scheduled.)

^   For oral examination, starting time refers to the commencement of the whole session (e.g. Morning Session - 9:00 am to 12:00 noon or Afternoon Session -1:00 pm to 4:00 pm) of the oral examination for a subject instead of the examination timeslot of an individual student. 

Announcements made by the Education Bureau on cancellation/postponement of classes/examinations are not applicable to the School.

© The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 2025