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SPEED signed a collaboration agreement with Li & Fung (Trading) Limited on 15 September 2006 to offer an in-house training programme in merchandising. Upon completion of the programme, trainees will receive the Professional and Continuing Education (PCE) Diploma awarded by PolyU SPEED.

The agreement was signed by Mr Bruce Rockowitz, President of Li & Fung (Trading) Limited, and Prof. Thomas Wong Kwok-shing, Dean of CPCE, in the witness of Dr Victor Fung Kwok-king, Chairman of Li & Fung Group and Prof. Poon Chung-kwong, PolyU President cum CPCE Council Chairman. The 20-month programme comprises 12 subjects covering the complete merchandising workflow. They include material sourcing, sample submission, shipping, trading, vendor coordination, product development and costing. Over 60 Li & Fung staff members are currently enrolled in this programme.




Participating teams gathered at the The Hong Kong Polytechnic University campus to attend the briefing session.

SPEED and jointly organize the “Business Innovation Award 2007” for Higher Diploma and Associate Degree students to apply their knowledge and demonstrate their business sense, creativity and organizational skills. The competition is introduced with the aim to promote better recognition of the abilities and achievements of Higher Diploma and Associate Degree students.

Participating teams will submit a business proposal on how to strengthen the market and business opportunities for the Whitehead Club. In order to explain the current situation of the Whitehead Club and the competition details, SPEED and have arranged a briefing session for the participants at the Whitehead Club and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University campus.

The judging panel, comprising academic and industry professionals, will select short-listed teams for a final presentation on 23 April. Awards Presentation Ceremony is scheduled to be held on 27 April. Winners will each receive a trophy and a Scholarship for enrolment for the PolyU SPEED Top-up Degree programmes as well as a cash prize.

The competition is sponsored by the Education and Manpower Bureau and Centaline Property Agency Limited. Supporting organizations include Hong Kong Professionals and Senior Executives Association, International Association of Registered Financial Consultants, The Chartered Institute of Marketing (Hong Kong) and Whitehead Club.




是次比賽由教育統籌局及中原地產贊助,協辦機構為香港專業與資深行政人員協會、國際認証財務顧問師協會、 英國特許市務學會(香港)及白石俱樂部。


Honourable grests spoke at the LLB Students and Graduates Gathering

With the continued rise in enrolment in the Preparatory Programme for Bachelor of Laws (LLB) over the past years, SPEED is committed to providing value-added services for its students.

A seminar on "Law meets Business - how legal knowledge can empower a commercial career" was held on 26 August 2006. Presented by Mr C.K. Cho, a previous LLB graduate of the University of London, the former Head of Research and Management Services of the Operation Department in Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), a qualified barrister in the UK and Hong Kong, and CEO of Aida International Consultants Limited, the seminar attracted a full house with over 170 attendees. Participants' response was overwhelming and many found Mr Cho's extensive knowledge and experience in the industry inspiring.

Last year, SPEED is proud to have the first batch of LLB graduates who joined its Preparatory Programme three years ago. They acknowledge with gratitude that this programme has not only helped them develop their legal knowledge, but has also enhanced their analytical and problem-solving skills in both legal and non-legal settings. As for new students of the programme, many of them joined through referrals from friends who are either existing or past students.

Mr. Thomas CH Wong, Deproty Director of SPEED, presented sourenir to Mr. CK Cho

To celebrate this happy occasion, SPEED organized a LLB Students and Graduates Gathering on 3 December 2006. Current students, recent graduates, ITC and KATC lecturers, representatives from the University of London and representatives took the opportunity to meet in an informal and friendly atmosphere. Ms Mary Luckham, Assistant Director (Learning Environment), External Laws Programme of the University of London, and Dr Simon Coldham, Programme Advisor for the LLB Preparatory Programme and Senior Lecturer of the University of London, participated in the event to present prizes and awards to star-performing students and graduates who have received Second Class Honours (Upper Division). This event was attended by around 100 guests.

These are just among a long list of social activities for LLB students. SPEED aims to offer diverse channels for its students to enhance their learning experience, and expand their social network through meeting new friends and professionals in the field.


一個題為「Law meets Business – how legal knowledge can empower a commercial career」的研討會於2006年8月26日舉行,由倫敦大學法律學士課程畢業生曹志光先生主講。曹先生是在英國與香港均有執業資格的大律師,兼Aida International Consultants Limited的行政總裁。是次研討會反應熱烈,出席者超過一百七十名。與會者踴躍發問,他們都受到曹先生的專業知識與豐富經驗所啟發。

Participants listened to the presentation of Mr. CK Cho


為了慶祝這個大喜日子,SPEED在2006年12月3日舉辦了一次學生與畢業同學聚會。各同學、畢業生、ITC與KATC講師、倫敦大學代表及業界代表,均藉此機會在輕鬆氣氛下聚首一堂。是次聚會約有一百位嘉賓出席,倫敦大學校外法律課程副總監Mary Luckham女士與法律學士學位備試課程顧問兼倫敦大學高級講師Simon Coldham博士亦有出席,向獲得二等甲級榮譽以上成績優異畢業生頒贈各種獎項。
