Index 主目錄

Partnering with Li & Fung 與利豐集團攜手合作

Business Innovation Award 2007 商業創意大賽2007

Social Events for LLB Students 法律學士課程同學各項聚會

Law On Ni Peony 羅安妮

Wong Wai Yin Lucosa 黃慧賢

Raymond Chau 周世才
Greeting new faces on campus 喜迎校內新面孔

Graduation Ceremony and Alumni Activities 畢業典禮及校友活動

Keeping students up to date with industry developments 讓學生掌握最新資訊

On board the Star Pisces 登上雙魚星號

Student Activities : Internship 學生實習活動

Student Activities: Pre-employment Workshops 學生活動:就業輔導工作坊

Forthcoming Activities 活動預告