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在職人士希望於國際著名學府進修MBA課程,不用擔心要放下正在衝刺的事業而飛往外地;現在身處香港亦可以持續進修英國著名商學院的Executive MBA課程。PolyU SPEED跟享譽盛名的University of Birmingham合作開辦Executive MBA課程。此Executive MBA課程是少數獲Association of MBAs (AMBA)認可的課程;University of Birmingham的商學院更榮獲European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) 的認證。此課程不但能擴闊視野及思維,更有助於增加個人競爭力,令事業更上一層樓。

在充滿競爭的商業社會,人際網絡是極其重要的,而PolyU SPEED便一直為學生推動和諧緊密的人際關係。透過舉行不同類型的活動,讓正在進修的同學及畢業生,建立互動緊密的社群;除了提供聚舊的機會,亦讓同學分享他們在生活及工作上的點滴。

PolyU SPEED於4月5日便邀請了修讀Executive MBA的校友跟有志報讀人士分享學習心得,當日出席的包括有: University of Birmingham的Professor John Craner、Professor John Samuels及PolyU SPEED課程統籌暨署理院長Dr. Jack Lo等。他們在百忙之中抽空出席,令活動生色不少。
Executive MBA from a World Class Business School - The Executive MBA is one of the prestigious programmes offered by the Birmingham Business School and is accredited by the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS). It is a high quality part-time management education programme, suitable for experienced managers who wish to develop and broaden their managerial and financial competence.
On 5 April and 27 May , PolyU SPEED had held two sharing gatherings for Executive MBA alumni, current students and those who are interested in the programme, in which they shared the learning experience and strengthened their connection.