Index 主目錄
英國著名商學院的 Executive MBA課程 Executive MBA from a World Class Business School

郭俊-奧運聖火火炬手 Student Interview - Mr Kwok Chun

2008商業創意大賽 2008 Business Innovation Awards
諾貝爾經濟學獎得主演說「醫療服務的誘因」Nobel Laureate hosts forum on “Incentives in Healthcare”
業界精英分享經驗 Guest lectures
香港珠寶業高度重視人才培訓 Professional Training is in high importance to Hong Kong jewelry industry
令僱主僱員雙贏的專業培訓 Value-added and professional in-house training programme
終生受用的領導管理培訓 Leadership and Management Training, Lifelong Advantages
走上進修之康莊大道 副學士預科課程及綜合教育基礎課程聯合招生 Stepping Stones for Brighter future
恭賀劉臣峰先生被選為香港商業專業評審中心院士The Academician of PVCBS
新課程預告 PolyU SPEED帶領學生走上遼闊進修天地 New Programme Preview