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1996年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主莫理斯爵士 (Professor Sir James A. Mirrlees) 於5月29日應香港理工大學轄下專業及持續教育學院的邀請,以「醫療服務的誘因」為題主持公開講座,探討經濟誘因及與醫療服務的關係。是次難能可貴的講座,吸引了來自不同界別的人士及學生參加,全場座無虛席。講座的討論環節中,講者和與會者就提高全民掌握健康意識,以及加強預防護理和推廣健康生活的議題,進行了具建設性的討論。與會者更就制訂一個可持續的醫療融資方案積極交流,探討怎樣鼓勵公眾以正確態度使用醫療服務,而醫療服務提供者或機構亦能有效地提供服務。

Nobel Laureate hosts forum on “Incentives in Healthcare” - On 29 May, the PolyU-affiliated College of Professional and Continuing Education (CPCE) arranged a special lecture delivered by Professor Sir James Alexander Mirrlees, a Nobel Laureate in Economics (1996). Titled “Incentives in Healthcare”, the public lecture discussed the importance of economic incentives and its relevance to the health care industry.
Professor Sir James Alexander Mirrlees delivering his speech on "Incentives in Healthcare"
From left : Dr. Simon Leung (Director of HKCC), Mr. Timothy Ngan (General Manager of Hong Kong CyberU),
Prof. Peter Yuen (Dean of CPCE), Prof. Sir James Alexander Mirrlees (Nobel Laureate in Economics),
Prof. Peter Walters (Associate Dean of CPCE) and Dr. Jack Lo (Acting Director of SPEED)
From left : Prof. Peter Walters, Prof. Peter Yuen and Prof. Sir James Alexander Mirrlees
PolyU SPEED致力讓學生的學習更緊貼市場脈搏,課程不時會安排資深業界人士客席授課,讓學生可以領會到理論與實踐的真正重要性。而於3月份SPEED的市場營銷及公共關係文學士課程便邀請到中國投資策略專家黃毓駒先生及策略管理專家鄭熙錦博士向學生分享他們於香港及內地的寶貴工作經驗,例如如何面對行內的挑戰及成為出色的業內人士。

Guest lectures - In March, PolyU SPEED had invited two guest speakers to give lectures to students of the BA in Marketing and Public Relations Programme. They are Mr. Richard Wong, who is a China Investment strategist and Dr. Jeremy Cheng, who is a Strategic Management expert.
客席講者: 鄭熙錦博士
Guest lecturer: Dr. Jeremy Cheng
主講題目: 香港勞工法例修訂所帶來的衝擊及中國外資公司的現況
Topic: The impact of the latest round of labour law change on Hong Kong and foreign owned company's operation in China
客席講者: 黃毓駒先生
Guest lecturer: Mr. Richard Wong
主講題目: 中國邁向世界
Topic: The world position of China