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處身於充滿競爭及挑戰的社會,除了要擁有專業知識之外,領導及管理的才能更是極為重要。PolyU SPEED的領導及管理文憑課程透過香港童軍總會的木章訓練計劃及八個有關領導、管理及培訓的科目,讓學員強化學術基礎,並將個人興趣與專業發展結合,提升學員的領導能力。該課程將於9月初開課,現正接受申請。歡迎童軍成員及其他有興趣而符合資格的人士報名。詳情請瀏覽PolyU SPEED網頁。

Leadership and Management Training, Lifelong Advantages - Living in a competitive world today, good leadership and management skills are key elements for success. PolyU SPEED’s Diploma in Leadership and Management Programme aims to refine the students’ leadership skills so that they can meet new challenges at work. Students will receive training under Wood Badge Training Scheme (WBTS) of the Scout Association of Hong Kong (SAHK) which is a unique learning process that enables them to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired in a real-life setting. The programme will start in early September. Application is now open. Please visit PolyU SPEED website for details.

學員大合照 小組討論以增加學員對所授課程的應用能力