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We visit England every year to review our current programmes and discuss future plans with our partner institution, the Northumbria University. During these trips, we would attend Northumbria's examination board meeting and visit other leading U.K. universities to discuss collaboration projects with them. We hope this can help us further improve the curriculum of "top-up" degree programmes at the School of Professional Education and Executive Development (SPEED).

Apart from the U.K., we also make field trips to the United States and Australia every year to explore the possibility of co-operating with other foreign institutions. We want to offer our students a wider selection of overseas courses.

Hong Kong's education system is similar to the U.K. system, owing to the influence of British culture in the past. Hence, we have chosen U.K. universities as SPEED's first and foremost providers of overseas top-up degree programmes, hoping that our students will find it easier to adapt and the School can also gain more experience and upgrade our courses in the future.

SPEED places strong emphasis on its annual programme review to ensure the highest quality. We plan to gradually increase the number of programmes jointly organised with other overseas universities, because we know launching too many programmes at the same time would affect the quality. More haste, less speed.

(From left to right) Deputy Director Mr. Rupert Leung, College Lecturer Mr. Adrian Chan, and Director Dr. Dennis Chan during their field trip to Newcastle in England in July 2006.



I think the field trip this year is an extremely valuable experience. I noted that many U.K. universities have begun offering new, exciting courses, like health science and retail management. I hope that our School can also introduce such creative programmes in the future. We aim to avoid overlapping with what other local universities are already offering so that our students can have more options.

Looking ahead, we would further enhance our programmes at SPEED by reviewing and revising our current curriculum, and launching new courses. For example, we will introduce new part-time bachelor degree programmes, courses in legal studies and additional core subjects for a number of programmes. The School also plans to launch more practical diploma programmes that can serve as training platforms for different industries and help employees attain professional qualifications.





SPEED held a retreat on 8 April 2006 at the Regal Airport Hotel, aiming to boost teaching quality and foster a better understanding of the School's targets, direction and development. The School explained to its staff its future strategies and direction. It aims to help the staff gain a better understanding of their career developments at SPEED and encourage them to move ahead with the School.


Information Seminars for SPEED Awards
& UNN Awards Programmes 2006/07

SPEED held five information seminars from April to June this year, attracting over 1,200 participants. The seminars introduced various Executive Diploma, Top-up Degree and Master Programmes offered by SPEED or jointly organized by the School and Northumbria University. Students and graduates were invited to share their learning experiences at the seminars, which included a question-and-answer session.

he seminar drew a full house of enthusiastic audience.

Participants listened attentively to Mr C H Wong Thomas, Deputy Director of SPEED.
