Index 主目錄

Retreat 集思廣益
Information Seminars for SPEED Awards and UNN Awards Programmes 2006/07
Singing Ceremony with KATC and ITC SPEED SPEED 落實與KATC 及ITC 緊密合作
Singing Ceremony with Seneca College SPEED與聖力嘉合作培育法證會計專才
Press Briefing of Pre-Associate Degree Programme 副學士預科課程新聞發佈會
Ray Pine 彭禮文教授
Adrian Chan 學院講師,陳祖榮先生
Peggy Ng 學院講師,吳美蘭小姐
"Intergenerational Dialogue" at SPEED 跨代對談
Hong Kong Society Academy Ward 香港房屋協會專業發展中心獎學金
SPEED International Summer School Scholarships 國際暑期班獎學金計劃
2C Logo Design and Entrepreneurial Planning Competition 2C電腦商標設計及創意計劃比賽
Let your creativity flow! 發揮創意限