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Signing Ceremony with KATC and ITC

SPEED signed a five-year collaboration agreement with Kemayan Advance Tertiary College (KATC) of Malaysia and Intech Training Centre (ITC) of Singapore on 16 June this year to offer a Preparatory Programme for the University of London's Bachelor of Laws (LLB). KATC's students have an average annual pass rate of over 90% in LLB examinations and ITC is the only specialist law school in Singapore. SPEED's excellent management and teaching facilities can provide the best support to students in terms of their studies and career development.

Prof. Thomas Wong, Dean of the College of Professional and Continuing Education, said the University of London's LLB is an internationally acclaimed programme, and the preparatory course is tailor-made for students preparing to sit the programme's exams.

SPEED Director Dr. Dennis Chan said the programme has received great feedbacks from the students. "Leveraged on the strengths of the three institutes, we are confident in training top-notch legal professionals," he said.

The School held several seminars for the LLB Preparatory Programme in July, August and September. Dr. Wayne Morrison, Director of the University of London's Laws Programme, flew to Hong Kong to host the July session. He introduced the programme to interested parties and participants also had a chance to attend free trial lectures.

本年6月16日,SPEED與馬來西亞 Kemayan Advance Tertiary College(KATC)及新加坡Intech Training Centre(ITC)簽署為期5年的合作協議,為本地學生提供倫敦大學法律學士學位的備試課程。KATC的學生在法律學士學位試中的合格率每年平均超過9成以上,而ITC則是新加坡唯一的專業法律學院,兩院多年來孕育人才不絕,配合專業進修學院的優質管理,支援同學學習和未來事業發展,必會為同學帶來最大的裨益。


法律學士學位的備試課程課程講座於7月,8月和9月舉行,倫敦大學法律課程總監 Wayne Morrison 博士專程來港參與7月的講座介紹課程,而參與人士亦有機會一嘗上法律課程的滋味。

Following the signing ceremony, they shook hands and congratulated each other.簽署儀式完成,大家握手互相道賀。

(From left to right): Director of SPEED Dr Dennis Chan, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of KATC Dr Danny Choong Ewe Leong, Dean of the College of Professional and Continuing Education Prof. Thomas K. S. Wong, Chief Executive Officer of ITC School of Laws Ms Ananthi Durai Raj and Head of Hong Kong Operation of KATC Mr Kevin Leong Weng Onn.
左起:專業進修學院院長陳淑燊博士、KATC的副行政總裁莊友良博士、專業及持續教育學院院長汪國成教授、ITC法律學院行政總裁Ananthi Durai Raj女士以及KATC香港區營運主管梁永安先生。


SPEED signed a collaboration agreement with Canada's Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology on 25 July to provide the first postgraduate programme in Forensic Accounting in Hong Kong. Students will be able to enjoy SPEED's top-quality teaching facilities and Seneca's well-designed curriculum and teaching materials.

"The programme aims at training Forensic Accountants to investigate and prevent commercial crimes. This will help satisfy the great demand for such professionals locally and internationally," said Prof. Thomas Wong, Dean of the College of Professional and Continuing Education, at the signing ceremony.

Mr. Mohammed Ali Khan, Vice President of International and Business Development of Seneca, said it is an honour to join hands with SPEED. "We are proud to provide our curriculum, faculty and expertise, and showcase our practical knowledge to the business world," he said.

SPEED and Seneca's teaching staff will jointly conduct the courses. Students will be awarded the Ontario College Graduate Certificate in Forensic Accounting from Seneca upon completion of the programme.


專業及持續教育學院院長汪國成教授在簽署儀式上說:「SPEED與聖力嘉合辦此課程,培訓法證會計人才,幫助防範詐騙及調查商業罪行,回應本地及國際對此等專才的需求。」而聖力嘉副院長(國際業務發展)Mohammed Ali Khan先生則表示,聖力嘉很高興能跟SPEED合作,提供課程、師資及專門知識,教導學生實際應用的知識。



SPEED unveiled a revised curriculum for its Pre-Associate Degree programmes, which includes the introduction of new core subjects and other changes, for the coming academic year at a press conference on 7 August 2006. SPEED Director Dr. Dennis Chan said more than 95% of the 188 graduates last year successfully enrolled in full-time tertiary programmes in Hong Kong. Nearly half of them chose to continue their studies by taking the Associate Degree programmes offered by Hong Kong Community College (HKCC).

SPEED plans to offer a wider array of elective subjects including "Accounting", "General Management", "Logistic", "Digital Entertainment", "Hotel and Catering" and "Tourism". The School will also introduce two new elective courses: "Graphics, Advertising and Information Design" and "Leisure, Sports and Recreation". The programmes will include a workshop on "Skills for College Studies" to help students develop a positive attitude and skills for their future studies and career developments.

The School also held three other information sessions about Pre-AD programmes between 8 August and 10 August. The programmes' Enrolment Days were held on 9 August and 10 August for all F.5 graduates.




From left to right: Graduates Joanne, Brian, Programme Leader Mr. Adam Wong, Director Dr. Dennis Chan, Deputy Director Mr. Thomas Wong and graduate Herman.

Reporters and participants raised questions at the press conference.

SPEED and HKCC set up booths at "Information Expo for Secondary School Leavers 2006" organized by the Education and Manpower Bureau at Plaza Hollywood on 29-30 July. The expo successfully provided options to F.5 and F.7 school leavers to further their studies or find jobs. SPEED took the opportunity to promote its Pre-Associate Degree programmes.

在2006年7月29至30日,SPEED與HKCC一同參與教統局在荷里活廣場舉辦的中學生出路諮詢Show 2006,幫助中五和中七離校生找尋合適的升學和就業途徑,SPEED更在是次活動積極推廣副學士預科課程。

Participants showed a keen interest in SPEED's Pre-AD programmes