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Students of HKCEE English Exam Preparation
Course score 'A's in the exam

About 10 % of students enrolled in a preparatory course for the HKCEE English exam jointly organised by HKCyberU and the largest online English school, Englishtown, have attained Grade A results in the HKCEE exam this year. In recognition of their achievements, the students each got a full refund of their tuition fee.

Since its launch last year, the course has received favourable reviews from parents and English teachers because of its well-designed curriculum and outstanding teaching quality. It has attracted students from many top secondary schools, including St. Paul Co-educational College, Maryknoll Convent School, La Salle College, Queen's College, Diocesan Girls' School and Belilios Public School.

More than 80 percent of students who have taken the course said it effectively helps them raise their English listening, speaking, writing and reading skills. One of the students, Chow Cheuk-ho, who got an A in this year's HKCEE English exam, says the fact that the course was organised by HKCyber U assures that it is of top quality.

"The teachers are very friendly. The small class size allows the teacher to spend more time on each individual student and their weaknesses in writing. The course helped me improve a lot," says Chow, who studies at N.T. Yuen Long District Heung Yee Kuk Secondary School.

Programme Director Ms. Tong Ka Man says all the teachers are college lecturers and have extensive teaching experience. Apart from the lectures, HKCyberU and Englishtown also provide online English material for students to help them prepare for the exam. The students can practise listening, speaking, writing and reading according to their needs.

"The course not only can help students prepare for the HKCEE exam, but it can also help them gain a better understanding of their own English level and identify their strengths and weaknesses," says Ms. Tong.

The course was designed with reference to the English syllabus for secondary students and past HKCEE exam p apers. Student Chu Hei Man of Marymount Secondary School says having studied the course has been a major reason why she managed to get an A in the HKCEE English exam this year.

"I am most impressed with the teachers' lively teaching methods. I did a project where I had to use English to conduct voxpops on PolyU's campus and then gave a presentation in class. This training has strengthened my confidence in speaking English," Chu says.

The HKCEE English Preparation Course is made up of eight units. Each unit has its own theme, including entertainment, arts, education, mass media, food and health, travel, environmental protection and technology. The material aims to help students boost their English grammar, reading, writing and speaking skills. The course has been redesigned based on the new 2007 HKCEE English syllabus.











As a child, Addy Wong realised that a sweet home is the foundation of people's lives, which led him to pursue a career in real estate. Today, he is the Managing Director of Centaline Property Agency, one of the leading companies in the field.

"When I was little, my father owned a factory that made basketballs. He built houses inside the factory site and sold them to other families. He also managed the buildings well to make sure that people could live comfortably.

"This makes me understand that apartments are not simply hardware, but they give people a sense of security, which is essential for our lives and career developments. That's why I became a property agent," said Mr. Wong, a member of SPEED's School Advisory Committee.

Mr. Wong has overcome numerous challenges throughout his illustrious career. To become a successful property agent, Mr. Wong says it is critical to learn to accept rejections with grace.

"With our job, we are sometimes rejected by clients, and we also have to turn down other people. Learning how to properly deal with rejections is therefore a key skill. It is also important to remain objective, and have good communication skills and independent thinking in order to succeed," he said.

Mr. Wong says continuous learning is essential for advancing one's career. He encourages people to keep studying while working, even though some courses may not necessarily be related to their jobs. He believes that learning in itself will enhance a person's capability and widen his/her perspective. It may even help build closer ties with one's family members.

"It is important to cultivate a keen learning culture within a family. Husbands and wives, or siblings who are pursuing further education can have more exchanges with one another and they can also be a role model for the younger generation," he says.




As a professional, Mr Wong values strong work ethics. "Of course a person has to brush up his professional knowledge, but I think work ethics is of even higher importance because it affects one's values in the long run. I strongly urge young people to uphold ethics in their work and fulfil social responsibilities."


Mr. Addy Wong, Managing Director of Centaline Property Agency Limited and School Advisory Committee Member for SPEED, says: "Continuous learning helps people stay ahead in their careers."