Cedit-bearing Short Courses through Credit Accumulation Mechanism (CAM) 學分累積制短期課程 |
Non credit-bearing Short Courses 非學分短期課程 |
Award-bearing Programmes offered by PolyU / PolyU SPEED / PolyU HKCC / Non-local universities 理大本部 / 理大香港專上學院 / 理大專業進修學院 / 非本地大學學銜課程 |
Change Route of Study i.e. from Credit-bearing Short Courses to Award-bearing Programmes or vice versa 更改課程類別, 即由學分累積制短期課程轉往學銜課程式或相反 |
All Learners 一般人士
Unless otherwise specified, both credit-bearing and non credit-bearing short courses do not have study requirements. 除特別註明,一般學分累積制及非學分短期課程不設入學要求。
Mature Learners 年長學生
To be considered for most award-bearing programmes, learners should have reached 25 by 1 September in the year of admission. There may be additional requirements for individual programmes. 年長學生如欲以此身分報讀學銜課程,須於入學年25歳。個別課程或有其他附帶入學條件。
Pre-Associate Degree副學士預科
Non-award programme非學銜課程
Bachelor’s Degree 學士學位
Top-up programme for AD/HD holders專為副學士/高級文憑畢業生而設的學位銜接課程
Executive Diploma 企業主管文憑
Working experience required for entry 入學時須具備工作經驗
Bachelor’s Degree學士學位
Non-local degree programme 非本地大學學銜
Notes 備註:
· The diagram is intended to provide an overview of the major study routes available at CPCE and is for reference only. Prospective students are encouraged to refer to the information provided by respective units.
· 藍圖旨在羅列專業及持續教育學院所提供的主要進修途徑,只供參考。有志進修人士請向有關單位查詢課程資料及入學詳情。
· Admission to any award-bearing programmes irrespective of the awarding institutions is subject to the fulfilment of the specific entry requirements and approval of the institutions. Students may be granted exemption of study based on their previous studies upon admission to a programme. The granting is normally not automatic and is considered on an individual basis.
· 進修人士申請入讀任何學銜課程須符合有關入學要求。部份申請人如入學前曾修讀相關課程或會獲學分豁免,惟成功與否須視乎個別情況。
*College of Professional and Continuing Education (CPCE)