傳遞藝術「動量」應用及媒體藝術文學士課程年展 2009

由香港理工大學專業進修學院及香港藝術學院合辦的應用及媒體藝術文學士課程,每年均舉辦「應用及媒體藝術文學士課程年展」,今年便於3月1日至19 日期間,在香港藝術中心5樓包氏畫廊舉行,讓學生實踐學習,並親身體驗成為具批判及分析能力的創意專才。


MOMENTUM - Bachelor of Arts in Applied and Media Arts Annual Exhibition 2009 - The Bachelor of Arts in Applied and Media Arts programme, offered by SPEED in collaboration with the Hong Kong Art School, organised its annual exhibition this year at the Arts Centre from 1 March to 19 March.

The theme of this year's exhibition was "Momentum" - a Physics term which refers to the force to keep an object moving. Through this exhibition, the audience could feel the energy and "Momentum" in the brilliant works by the graduates. The exhibits not only promoted interaction between the artists and the audience, but also ignited artists' inspiration.

The exhibition showcased the artworks by 15 graduates of the programme that covered both individual and social topics in the forms of graphic design, exhibition design, animation, photography, and much much more.

The exhibits present a variety of creative topics
Graduates' works on display at the Arts Centre
Graduates hope to promote art through the exhibition
The exhibits amply demonstrate students' momentum and energy