專業有道講座系列 - 具備專業法律知識   行政人員倍添優勢

「專業有道」的第 2 場講座,在蔣震劇院舉行
The second seminar of the Professional Talk Series was held at Chiang Chen Studio Theatre



袁海星博士 Dr. Horace Yuen

伍兆榮律師則通過模擬案例,以輕鬆幽默的手法,解析商業、公司及知識產權等法律如何與行政人員息息相關。伍律師指出,不論是與人合作開設公司,抑或是作為僱員,都牽涉到許多法律概念,如限制性的約言(Restrictive Covenant) 的覆蓋會否太長或太闊、知識產權的保障範圍等。行政人員須多加注意,免招無謂損失。


Professional Talk Series - "Be Competitve - Master the Knowledge of Laws" - The sound legal system in Hong Kong has long served as a solid foundation for the city's prosperity. Since business activities often involve various ordinances, there is an urgent need for executives to enrich their legal knowledge for the long-term organisational success.
湯家驊議員 Mr. Ronny Tong
Organised by SPEED, the second seminar of the Professional Talk Series, entitled "Be Competitive - Master the Knowledge of Laws" was successfully held on 14 March 2009 at the Chiang Chen Studio Theatre of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Mr. Ronny Tong, Member of the Legislative Council, Dr. Horace Yuen, Former Directorate Civil Servant and Mr. Ludwig Ng, Committee Member of External Affairs Committee of the Law Society of Hong Kong were invited as the guest speakers to share their experience in law studies and how legal knowledge empowers executives to work more efficiently.

Mr. Tong explained the basic principles of laws and revealed that the key to law studies is to comprehend the spirit of laws and its implications instead of learning by the letter of the law.

伍兆榮律師 Mr. Ludwig Ng
Dr. Yuen shared his self-study experience in obtaining his Bachelor of Laws degree offered by the University of London, and how his legal knowledge facilitates his career. While legal knowledge can enhance one's analytical skills, Dr. Yuen believed that executives who master legal knowledge are more competitive.

As a lawyer, Mr. Ng illustrated the close relation between laws and executives' work by presenting some simulated examples in an interesting way. He pointed out that legal concepts are often involved in business operation and employment, for instance, the coverage of restrictive covenants and the scope of intellectual property protection and others.

Following the sharings by the three speakers, the audience actively participated in a question-and-answer session.