房屋管理學文學士課程 為專業鋪路-

Graduates and current students of Bachelor of Arts in Housing Management at "Professional Experience Requirement Seminar"
香港理工大學專業進修學院 (SPEED) 開辦的房屋管理學文學士課程,於2009年3月12日舉辦「專業經驗講座」。講座以茶會形式舉行,該課程的同學及畢業生在席上就考取英國特許房屋經理學會Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) 專業會員資格的程序、竅門、經驗等各方面,作交流分享。

該課程的畢業生梁啟聰 (Sam) 表示,是次聚會有助他們考取專業資格。現於本地一間大型物業管理公司任職助理行政主任的Sam不諱言︰「CIH專業會員是晉身管理層不可或缺的資格,亦是躋身大機構的必備條件之一。」

SPEED的房屋管理學文學士課程已獲CIH認可。學員修畢課程後,再累積足夠的相關工作經驗,便可以申請成為CIH的專業會員,進而登記成為註冊專業房屋經理 (Registered Professional Housing Manager)。

Sam 認為 CIH 專業會員是晉身管理層不可缺少的資格
Sam holds that CIH's Corporate Membership is indispensable for career advancement

Pave Your Professional Path with Bachelor of Arts in Housing Management (BAHM) - "The Professional Experience Requirement Seminar" was held on 12 March 2009 by SPEED for the graduates and existing students of BAHM to share their experience and knowledge in obtaining professional qualifications awarded by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH).

Sam Leung, a graduate of BAHM who currently works as an Assistant Administrative Officer at a local property management company, says,
Sam 表示課程可引導他們確立對房管的興趣
Bachelor of Arts in Housing Management programme arouses students' interest in housing management
"CIH's Corporate Membership is not only important for career advancement, but it is also
a requirement for working at prominent organisations."

SPEED's BAHM programme is recognised by CIH. Graduates of BAHM are eligible to apply for CIH's Corporate Membership and the status of "Registered Professional Housing Manager" subject to the fulfillment of relevant professional experience requirements.

Sam also expressed that he had a fruitful learning experience at SPEED. "BAHM
not only offers essential knowledge of housing management, but it also arouses our interest in the industry. What impressed me most was our field trip to Guangzhou, which deepened our understanding of the Mainland," he says.