突破框框 創新思維 -由專才變通才


Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH) 大中華區策略及發展總監徐可妮認為,每個人的職業去向發展,都要考慮3個基本問題︰包括「你現在於甚麼位置﹖」、「你的目標是什麼﹖」及「你如何達到目標﹖」這3條問題既有助個人的事業管理,亦有助管理層運用有限的資源,做有效的事情。她以一位印度醫生作例子,講述如何打破傳統醫生固有的形象,將事業推至另一層面,由「專才」變成「通才」。印度這位醫生發現病人保持心境快樂,會有助紓緩病情,於是成立Laugh Club,呼籲人們在公園大笑及做一些伸展運動。他將專業延伸,用普及方法令更多人受惠。

SPEED院長暨University of Birmingham Executive MBA課程統籌羅文強博士,亦在研討會上分享他的管理經驗。他認為,管理不同的人需應用不同的方法,身居策略性職級,便不可能再運用單一的思維,而是要擁有更全面的視野,擔當管理工作。

SPEED 院長羅文強博士在「創新思維Makeover 研討會」分享他的管理經驗
Dr. Jack Lo, Director of SPEED, sharing his experiences at the seminar
University of Birmingham Executive MBA課程校友Melvin,亦是由專才變通才的一個例子。Melvin在研討會上分享了他如何透過進修,將事業擴展到另外一個範疇的經歷。他讀會計出身,在跨國公司擔當財務會計工作。大約5年前,他希望事業有所轉變,於是便訂立目標,先報讀MBA課程,然後再攻讀博士學位課程。現為本地院校的兼職講師,為邁向另外一個事業範疇作好準備。席間他又點出規劃進修的思考藍圖「計劃 > 組織 > 領導 > 控制」,與各在場人士分享他的經驗。

Be a Multi-talented Professional: Think Out of the Box -
Facing the fierce competition in our society, creative thinking is essential. That's why guest speakers were invited to SPEED's "Creativity Makeover" seminar on 14 March 2009 to share their experience and to stimulate attendees' thinking in career planning.

LHH 大中華區策略及發展總監
Ms. Connie Burchfield, Regional Director of Strategy and Development, Greater China of Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH)
Ms. Connie Burchfield, Regional Director of Strategy and Development, Greater China, from Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH) suggested that three basic questions should be considered in career development: 1. Where are you now? 2. Where are you going? and 3. How are you going to get there? These questions not only help in career management, but also in the effective use of resources. At the seminar, an Indian doctor's case was quoted to explain how professionals can bring their career to a different level creatively.

Dr. Jack Lo, Director of SPEED and Programme Leader of University of Birmingham's Executive MBA programme, also shared that in his experience, various different management approaches should be adopted for different people at different functional departments.

University of Birmingham Executive MBA 課程校友Melvin
Melvin, Executive MBA graduate from the University of Birmingham
Mr. Melvin Beh, an Executive MBA graduate from the University of Birmingham, UK, shared his success in goals setting. Melvin started his career in accountancy. Five years ago, he decided to change his career. In order to do this, he first enrolled himself into an MBA programme, followed by a Doctorate degree programme. Today, he is a part-time lecturer at various local tertiary institutions, preparing for a new chapter in this life. Melvin highlighted the importance of "Planning > Organising > Leading > Controlling".