
(由左至右)前排:Vincent Ostrom教授及Elinor Ostrom教授
(From left to right) Seated: Professor Vincent Ostrom and Professor Elinor Ostrom
Back: Dr. W.K. Yung; Professor S.Y. Tang, University of Southern California; Dr. Danny Lam, Head of Department of Politics and Public Administration, The University of Hong Kong
SPEED的公共行政文學士學位銜接課程,已於2009年9月開課。此課程的課程統籌翁永光博士於上年暑假期間,便曾經探訪Vincent Ostrom及Elinor Ostrom兩位教授。Ostrom夫婦因於印第安納大學創辦政治理論和政策分析研究所而舉世馳名。研究所每五年皆會舉辦一次大型的學者聚會,廣邀發展中及已發展國家的學者,交流彼此對制度分析與發展、共有資源管理、多中心體制及衝突調解的看法。翁博士就讀於加拿大的多倫多大學,深造期間已與這美國的研究所建立了深厚的關係,因為他對於Elinor Ostrom教授能夠將理論與實踐相結合,就如跟香港理工大學「學以致用」的座右銘同出一轍,深感認同。而Elinor Ostrom 教授是2009年諾貝爾經濟學獎的得主。

Programme Leader Visited Nobel Laureate

SPEED introduced a top-up degree programme in the area of public administration in September, 2009. The designated Programme Leader for this public administration programme, Dr. W.K. Yung visited Professor Vincent Ostrom and Professor Elinor Ostrom in the summer of 2009. The Ostroms have been famous for starting a Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis at Indiana University. Once every five years, the Workshop organises a large scale gathering of scholars from both developing as well as developed nations to exchange views on areas such as institutional analysis and development, common pool resources management, polycentricity, and conflict resolution. During his studies at the University of Toronto, Dr. Yung has established a long and friendly intellectual relationship with the Workshop because he is impressed by Professor Elinor Ostrom's contribution in linking theoretical concepts to practical implementation which fits in very well with the PolyU's motto: to learn and to apply. Professor Elinor Ostrom is a recipient of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences.