
Group photo with graduates of Northumbria University
英國諾桑比亞大學畢業典禮於2009年10月13日圓滿舉行。典禮中,諾桑比亞大學校監Lord Stevens勉勵在場逾400名畢業生,應充分利用在課程中所獲得的知識及國際視野,以追求更高的事業發展或繼續進修。SPEED院長羅文強博士則恭賀畢業生,並表彰他們的努力和學術成就。

Academic Congregation of Northumbria University, U.K.

The academic congregation of Northumbria University, U.K. was conducted on 13 October, 2009. There were more than 400 graduates in 2009. Lord Stevens, Chancellor of Northumbria University, urged graduates to take full advantage of the programmes' international outlook in pursuing career advancement as well as higher academic attainment. Dr. Jack Lo, Director of SPEED, also congratulated the graduates in recognition of their hard work and academic achievements.