
專業及持續教育學院院長阮博文教授 (前排中)與學院教務委員會成員及其他高級教學人員聯袂主持畢業典禮
Prof. Peter Yuen, Dean of CPCE (middle of front row), members of Academic Board and senior academic staff preside over the ceremony

The 7th Joint Graduation Ceremony of College of Professional and Continuing Education

SPEED sent forth about 600 students at the 7th Joint Graduation Ceremony organised by the College of Professional and Continuing Education (CPCE) on 14 and 15 November, 2009. The ceremony was held on the PolyU main campus in Hung Hom with Professor Peter Yuen, Dean of CPCE, Dr. Simon Leung, Associate Dean (Development) of CPCE cum Director of Hong Kong Community College (HKCC) and Dr. Peter Walters, Associate Dean (Quality Assurance) of CPCE presiding over the occasion. Dr. Jack Lo, Director of SPEED, underpinned SPEED's development to confer the PolyU SPEED top-up bachelor's degree on more students in his congratulatory speech. In the next few years, SPEED will continue to offer more flexible and quality top-up degree programmes.

Graduates of SPEED and HKCC took group photo with the platform parties of the ceremony