羅文強院長細說PolyU SPEED課程升格

近年無論從學生質素、教師團隊以至課程認受性都取得突破與提升,羅文強院長對 PolyU SPEED 未來發展充滿信心。
PolyU SPEED has achieved tremendous progress in admitting quality intakes, building up a strong academic team as well as bolstering the recognition of its academic programmes. Dr. LO is confident on the future of PolyU SPEED.
PolyU SPEED 專注為全港副學位畢業生提供一條完成學士學位教育的升學途徑、致力促進學生的全人發展、盡心為社會培育各行各業的人才。過去5年,羅文強院長和眾教職員一直全力推動PolyU SPEED 的發展,他分享道:「近年 PolyU SPEED 收生人數屢創新高,而且講師團隊以至課程認受性都取得突破與提升。為配合學生人數的增長及「三三四」課程革新,學院將聘請更多教職員,今年的講師總數已達到52名,當中擁有博士學位的講師比例逾50%。」

未來的日子,為了進一步加強課程的競爭力,PolyU SPEED 繼續努力不懈,將於本學年首度推出三個全新或更新的榮譽學士學位銜接課程,分別為:「應用老年學(榮譽)理學士課程」、「零售企業及服務管理(榮譽)文學士課程」及「旅遊服務業管理學(榮譽)文學士課程」。當中「應用老年學(榮譽)理學士課程」是由理大醫療及社會科學院策劃主辦;而「零售企業及服務管理(榮譽)文學士課程」則是全港首個專為零售行業而設的榮譽文學士課程,以滿足行業與日俱增的需求。

羅院長表示:「今次課程升格乃 PolyU SPEED 發展史上的重要里程碑,足以證明學院的學術水平和教學質素,已達到其他大學學士學位的同等水平。」

PolyU SPEED亦計劃於2012-13學年起,將「市場營銷及公共關係文學士課程」、「商業文學士組合課程」及「款待業管理文學士課程」等陸續升格為榮譽文學士課程。羅院長展望道:「課程所涵蓋的知識面將進一步擴闊,從而大幅提升學術認受性,幫助畢業生的未來就業或升學發展。」

Message from Director
“Leadership and Learning are indispensable to each other.” John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Dr. Jack M.K. LO, Director of PolyU SPEED
Striving for programme revamping and upgrading at PolyU SPEED

PolyU SPEED is devoted to offering sub-degree graduates an alternative pathway to complete their degree education, fostering students' wholeperson development and nurturing talents for various sectors in Hong Kong. Over the past five years, Dr. Jack LO, Director of PolyU SPEED, and his team have been working wholeheartedly to further the development of PolyU SPEED. He said, "Recently, the School has achieved tremendous progress in admitting a record number of students, building up a strong academic team as well as bolstering the recognition of its academic programmes. In light of the growth in the number of student intakes and the 3-3-4 curriculum reform, we will further strengthen our academic team. This year, we have a total of 52 faculty members and more than 50% of them are PhD holders."

In the years ahead, PolyU SPEED will not relent in its efforts to develop new top-up honours degree programmes and gradually upgrading its degree programmes to honours degree level so that its graduates will be more soughtafter in a competitive job market. The new programmes include "Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Ageing Studies" and "Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Retail and Service Management", while the revamped programme is "Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Travel Industry Management". In particular, the "Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Ageing Studies" programme is developed and hosted by the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of PolyU. "Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Retail and Service Management", on the other hand, is the first honours degree programme in Hong Kong that specially caters for the retail industry in response to the increasing demand of the sector.

Dr. LO commented, "Programme upgrading is an important milestone for PolyU SPEED's institutional development. It is a powerful testimony that our School's academic standard and teaching quality is on par with other degree granting institutions."

PolyU SPEED also plans to further upgrade its programmes of "Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Public Relations", "Bachelor of Arts Scheme in Business" and "Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Management" to honours degree level in 2012-13. Dr. LO explained, "We will further enrich our curriculum, elevate its academic recognition and enhance our graduates' competitiveness when they enter the job market or further their studies."