全場座無虛席 與會者樂在其中

Mr. SHIH shared his expectations towards fresh graduates.

Mr. SHIH presented to a full-house crowd of over 120 academics and students.

PolyU SPEED 於2月3日在理大西九龍校園舉行「入職導向:老闆的期望講座」,邀得中原集團董事施永青先生主講,與PolyU SPEED師生分享他如何建立自己的地產代理事業王國。作為一位聘用逾三萬員工的老闆,『施老闆』笑談對應徵畢業生的期望與要求;他更以女兒剛畢業時的有趣求職故事為引子,勉勵畢業生應好好裝備自己。此次講座網上註冊預訂座位時已經反應熱烈,現場更吸引逾一百二十名師生,坐無虛席,不少學生更要全程站立,但仍無損他們的興致,在場師生都被『施老闆』的領袖魅力及幽默言辭所吸引,聽得津津樂道。

"Boss SHIH" from Centaline shares his expectations as a boss
A Full-House Career Talk

On 3 February, PolyU SPEED invited Mr. SHIH Wingching, Director of Centaline Group to share how he built his own real estate agency empire at the "Career Talk: Expectation from the Boss" held at the PolyU West Kowloon Campus. As a boss managing over 30,000 employees, "Boss Shih" (the nickname of Mr. SHIH) talked about his expectations and requirements when interviewing a fresh graduate. He even brought up his daughter's interesting interview experiences to encourage students to be wellequipped. The full-house talk was very well-received. More than 120 academics and students flocked to the venue and some even had to stand throughout the whole talk. Yet, all the audiences were attracted by the charisma and humour of "Boss SHIH" and enjoyed the talk a lot.