
今年的「最佳創意大賽」,PolyU SPEED與社會企業「黑暗中對話」合作。
This year PolyU SPEED partnered with Dialogue in the Dark Hong Kong for its 6th “Best Innovation Awards”.

冠軍隊伍Unicorn表現專業,其計劃書內容充滿驚喜,例 如模擬「黑暗中對話」體驗館,設計街頭遊戲「Coffee Event」,鼓勵外國遊客參與蒙眼沖咖啡遊戲。
Unicorn presented professionally and their proposal is full of surprises, including setting up a virtual experiential exhibition hall and a coffee booth on the street to encourage tourists to try making coffee with their eyes masked.
本屆「最佳創意大賽」吸引了來自7間大專院校共43支學生隊伍參加,為香港「黑暗中對話」(DiD HK)撰寫一份可行的市場營銷策略計劃書,目的是要發揮創意,吸引來自世界各地的遊客參觀香港「黑暗中對話」體驗館,以行動體驗視障者的生活,拉近彼此距離。

冠軍隊伍Unicorn表現專業, 其計劃書內容充滿驚喜,例如模擬「黑暗中對話」體驗館,設計街頭遊戲「Coffee Event」,鼓勵外國遊客參與蒙眼沖咖啡遊戲。是次比賽除了幫助同學把課堂所學應用於實際環境外,更讓他們學習如何在有限的財政預算下,以創意構思出可行的市場營銷策略。

PolyU SPEED院長羅文強博士認為三隊進入決賽的隊伍均表現出色,他說道:「正在修讀副學士或高級文憑課程的參賽同學絕不比學士學生遜色。而於比賽中,令我印象最深刻的,是其中一隊進行過實地遊客調查,資料搜集充分,分析理據充足,增加了計劃書的說服力。」DiD HK更考慮邀請三隊勝出隊伍參與即將舉行的「暗中作樂」(Concert in the Dark)活動,讓他們繼續發揮創意。

The 6th Best Innovation Awards
Promoted "Dialogue in the Dark" as Hong Kong's new tourist attraction

"Best Innovation Awards 2012" has attracted 43 student teams from 7 higher education institutions to participate. The participating teams had to use their creativity to write a marketing proposal to promote the experiential exhibition hall of "Dialogue in the Dark Hong Kong" (DiD HK) among tourists, with a goal to provide participants with the experience of the daily life of those visually impaired and to raise participants' empathy for and awareness of diversity.

The Gold Award winning team Unicorn presented their ideas professionally and their proposal was full of surprises. They suggested setting up a virtual experiential exhibition hall and a coffee booth on the street to encourage tourists to try making coffee with their eyes masked. Not only did the competition enable students to apply their exquisite knowledge to real business environment, but it also helped students learn how to develop creative marketing campaigns under tight budget.

Dr. Jack LO, Director of SPEED, thought that the three award-winning teams had done a great job. He commented, "The participants are all Associate Degree or Higher Diploma students and their performances are as good as that of undergraduate students. What impressed me most is that one of the teams had conducted a tourist survey and did a comprehensive research on the case. Their detailed analysis made the proposal a convincing one." DiD HK even considered to invite the three award-winning teams to participate in their up-coming "Concert in the Dark" and use the activity as a platform to further utilize their creativity.

“Best Innovation Awards 2012” List of Awardees: