36名PolyU SPEED 學生獲頒

為表揚就讀於自資專上院校同學的傑出學業成績,並鼓勵其積極的學習態度,教育局透過自資專上獎學金計劃,向得獎學生頒發卓越表現獎學金,其中包括28位PolyU SPEED的學生,另外8位則獲頒最佳進步獎。頒獎典禮於5月11日舉行,在此恭喜眾多獲獎者。

36 PolyU SPEED students awarded
Education Bureau’s Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship

To acknowledge students’ academic achievement and their good learning attitude during their studies at the self-financed higher education institutions, Education Bureau granted 28 Outstanding Performance Scholarships and 8 Best Progress Awards to PolyU SPEED students among others through its Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme. The presentation ceremony was held on 11th May. Congratulations to all the awardees!

得獎者心聲 Sharing from the Awardees

Outstanding Performance Scholarship Awardee
馬穎妍 MA Wing Yin


Graduated from "Bachelor of Arts in Business (International Business)"
Currently working in a bank

I would like to thank all the lecturers for their care towards us as well as their proactive approach to follow up with my learning progress. They also gave me precious advice in terms of career direction. I plan to save the HKD40,000 scholarship for my postgraduate study in the future.


Best Progress Award Recipient
鄧曉敏 TANG Hiu Man


Graduated from "Bachelor of Arts in Housing Management"
Currently working in a property investment consultancy

The programme has greatly increased my learning skills and helped me better understand the ever-changing industry environment. With the HKD10,000 scholarship, I plan to acquire the professional qualification from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.