解構鴻福堂與Open Rice的成功秘訣

6月28日晚上,由 PolyU SPEED 主辦、新城財經台為媒體伙伴的「專業有道」講座系列2012:「市場營銷新思維講座」,假座香港理工大學蔣震劇院舉行,並邀請了鴻福堂集團執行董事司徒永富先生、Open Rice 創辦人鍾偉民先生為演講嘉賓。他們向觀眾分享其市場營銷的成功之道。


而鍾偉民先生則分享了他的「搵食」之道。他指出 Open Rice 集合香港、澳門及深圳等地的食府資料、菜式及食評等,專門為「搵食」一族提供資訊,當中下過不少苦功。除了要監察食評內容,維持網站的品牌公信力外,亦要增強網民之間的互動,以吸引其他地區的網民瀏覽。

在討論環節裡,PolyU SPEED 的副院長暨「零售企業及服務管理(榮譽)文學士」課程統籌葉世中博士,及講師暨「市場營銷及公共關係文學士」副課程統籌林玉秋小姐亦一起在台上與司徒永富先生和鍾偉民先生,討論在資訊爆炸年代,如何利用新媒體平台及公共關係策略加強市場推廣成效等話題。最後,他們並以富啟發性的例子解答觀眾的提問。


New Insights to Marketing and Public Relations
Unveiling the successful stories of Hung Fook Tong and OpenRice.com

Organised by PolyU SPEED and supported by Metro Radio Finance as media partner, the "‘Professional Talk’ Series 2012: New Insights to Marketing and Public Relations" was held fullhouse at PolyU’s Chiang Chen Studio Theatre on 28 June. Mr. Ricky SZETO, Executive Director of Hung Fook Tong Holdings Limited and Mr. Ray CHUNG, Founder of OpenRice.com were invited as guest speakers to share their successful strategies on how to market their brands.

During the seminar, Mr. SZETO shared his secrets on marketing herbal tea - a kind of Chinese medicine full of traditional wisdom – by use of modern marketing skills, including rejuvenating the brand image of Hung Fook Tong, packaging its products sharply, and promoting the products through new media in order to broaden its range of customers.

Mr. CHUNG on the other hand shared his success story in establishing OpenRice.com as the most comprehensive social media platform for sharing dining reviews. He expressed that OpenRice.com provides information of various restaurants in Hong Kong, Macau and Shenzhen with their cuisine and reviews to the people who like to try new restaurants. He strives to maintaining the website’s credibility by monitoring its contents diligently as well as to strengthening the interactions between users in order to attract more internet users from other places.

During the panel discussion section, Dr. Leslie YIP, Deputy Director of PolyU SPEED and Programme Leader of the "Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Retail and Service Management", and Ms. Aris LAM, Lecturer of PolyU SPEED and Deputy Programme Leader of the "Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Public Relations" also joined with Mr. SZETO and Mr. CHUNG to share their views on how to make use of the new media platforms and public relations strategies to reinforce promotion in an era of information explosion. They also gave inspiring answers to the questions from the audiences, who enjoyed the talk much.