PolyU SPEED課程 專業有道
畢業生入職晉升 進修有途
PolyU SPEED graduates From learning to earning

將學歷提升至大學學位水平,是不少副學位畢業生的夢想;而各行各業的人才除了在工作領域上不斷磨練外,更需要在相關的範疇上持續進修,才能達至事業全速發展。以下幾位PolyU SPEED畢業生分享了修讀學士學位銜接課程期間的體會及得著,他們畢業後更將所學得的知識應用於職場上,進一步向目標邁進。

Sub-degree graduates aspire to upgrade their academic qualifications to university degree level to gain easy entrance to the job market. To advance and develop their careers, young executives from different sectors need to further their studies in related fields. The following PolyU SPEED graduates recount their studies in the School and how they apply their knowledge to advance their career.

葉慧恩 Renee YIP



Bachelor of Arts in Professional Communication
Current Occupation: Corporate Communications Assistant in a listed company

Being a fresh graduate, I realised that the programme has helped me in many ways. I can apply most of the knowledge I learnt at the School in my current job. The design of the curriculum has helped me gain a good understanding on different processes ranging from internal publications, press announcements, event management to media relations and enabled me to adapt to my new job rapidly.


張栩塋 Cindy ZHANG


學院聘請經驗豐富的講師,加上此課程內容涵蓋全面,除了讓我獲得了寶貴的知識,更讓我實地體驗到款待業行內工作的感受。課程中的習作都與款待業最新的熱門話題有關,訓練了 同學們的團隊精神和協作技巧。

Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Management
Currently working at Traders Hotel Hong Kong by Shangri-La

The experienced lecturers and comprehensive curriculum helped me gain precious knowledge and internship experience. The assignments are all based on the latest topics in hospitality industry, and strengthen our teamwork and coordination skills.

梁琦惠 Joanna LEUNG


我修讀此課程的原因是課程內容全面,涵蓋普通話、商業英語寫作及會話(教學大綱及考試以 BULATS為核心,為商界認可),而國際商業學科如供應鏈管理、環球策略等亦能切合商業社會需要,使學員能夠學以致用。在學期間,講師悉心教導,與學生亦師亦友的關係更令我欣賞。

Bachelor of Arts in Business (International Business)
Current Occupation: Senior Purchasing Officer in a listed company

What attracted me to study this programme is its comprehensive curriculum, which includes Putonghua, written and oral Business English (with curriculum and examinations based on BULATS that is widely recognised by the business sector), International Business such as Supply Chain Management and Global Strategy. All these subjects address to current market needs effectively and enable students to apply what they have learnt from the School. During my study, I also appreciate the caring attitude of our dedicated lecturers.


謝雋維 Brian TSE



Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Public Relations
Current Occupation: Account Executive in an advertising agency

Apart from teaching traditional marketing strategies, the programme follows the market trends closely and I can apply most knowledge learnt in my work.


戴汶灝 David TAI

現職香港機場管理局營運主任 - 顧客服務

在一年半的PolyU SPEED學習生活中,同學須要修讀15個學科,以及完成500小時的工作實習。在機場的實習工作讓我有機會運用所學到的知識,並了解到服務背後的意義,從而向每一位旅客提供優質的服務。這份實習工作,更成為我畢業後進入香港機場管理局工作的踏腳石。

Bachelor of Arts in Travel Industry Management
Current Occupation: Operation Officer – Customer Service at Hong Kong Airport Authority

During my one-and-a-half year study life in PolyU SPEED, I had to take 15 courses and complete 500-hour practicum. I have successfully applied my knowledge during my internship. Understanding the vision behind each service also helps me provide quality service to every tourist. This internship opportunity has led me to my current job at the Hong Kong Airport Authority.

另外,PolyU SPEED與英國Northumbria University開辦了三個學士學位銜接課程,為有志進修的副學士及高級文憑畢業生提供優質的進修機會,以下由三位畢業生分享求職心得。

PolyU SPEED has also been cooperating with Northumbria University from the United Kingdom to offer three top-up honours degree programmes to provide quality study opportunities to Associate Degree and Higher Diploma graduates. Below are three graduates sharing their job search experience.

黃家傑 Angus WONG



Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Currently working at a sizeable logistics company

Our School arranged company visits to renowned logistics companies including DHL and Kwai Chung Containers Terminals. These visits strengthened my understanding on logistics operations and the pertinent experience has been a great asset towards my career and further study. In addition, our programme lecturers kept us abreast of the market trend by sharing the latest development of the logistics industry, helping me find a desirable job soon after graduation.


葉曉珊 YIP Hiu Shan



Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Human Resource Management
Currently working at Human Resources Department

Working in human resources industry requires practical experience. As the programme assessment is not based on examination, its content corresponds closely to market needs. Meanwhile, the programme content is conducive to my daily work, such as evaluation on my company’s compensation scheme.


曾志榮 John TSANG



Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Management
Currently running his own food and beverage business

After graduation, I am now managing my own food and beverage business and studying a part-time master’s degree. Progressing from an employee to a boss is mainly inspired by the programme lecturers and the knowledge I acquired during my study. The programme not only raised my interest in running my own business, but also taught me important skills on entrepreneurship as well as marketing and promotion.