羅文強院長細說PolyU SPEED課程升格
Dr. Jack M.K. LO, Director of PolyU SPEED Striving for programme revamping and upgrading at PolyU SPEED

校友聯歡晚宴 師生校友 濟濟一堂 慶祝理大創校75周年
Alumni gathered at Reunion Dinner To celebrate PolyU's 75th Anniversary
第六屆最佳創意大賽 為社企「黑暗中對話」打造香港新旅遊熱點
The 6th Best Innovation Awards Promoted "Dialogue in the Dark" as Hong Kong's new tourist attraction
倫敦大學國際課程頒授典禮 莘莘學子學有所成
University of London International Programmes LLB Presentation Ceremony
Celebrated academic achievement of graduates
市場營銷新思維講座 解構鴻福堂與Open Rice的成功秘訣
New Insights to Marketing and Public Relations
Unveiling the successful stories of Hung Fook Tong and OpenRice.com
中原集團『施永青老闆』笑談老闆的期望 全場座無虛席 與會者樂在其中
"Boss SHIH" from Centaline shares his expectations as a boss
A Full-House Career Talk

Dialogue in Dubai
36名PolyU SPEED 學生獲頒 教育局自資專上獎學金
36 PolyU SPEED students awarded Education Bureau’s Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship
PolyU SPEED講師 獲社區服務及專業委員會委任
Appointment of PolyU SPEED academic staff for community and professional services
PolyU SPEED 新講師
PolyU SPEED new academic staff

PolyU SPEED課程 專業有道
畢業生入職晉升 進修有途
PolyU SPEED graduates From learning to earning