
Professors from the University of London International Programmes celebrated the ceremony with about 80 graduates

PolyU SPEED 與馬來西亞 Advance Tertiary College及新加坡 ITC School of Laws合辦「倫敦大學國際課程部法律學士學位備試課程」多年,每年約有百位畢業生透過修讀本課程,繼而參加相關公開試,最後成功取得「倫敦大學法律學士學位」。為祝賀畢業生學有所成,PolyU SPEED 於2012年1月7日假香港理工大學校園舉行倫敦大學國際課程頒授典禮,有接近80名畢業生出席,倫敦大學國際課程部的學術代表包括院長Professor Jonathan KYDD亦專程赴港參與盛事,分享眾畢業生的喜悅。

University of London International Programmes LLB Presentation Ceremony
Celebrated academic achievement of graduates

PolyU SPEED has been working with Advance Tertiary College (ATC), Malaysia, and ITC School of Laws, Singapore, in offering Preparatory Programmes for Bachelor of Laws of the University of London International Programmes for many years. PolyU SPEED, ATC and ITC are Affiliate Centres for the University of London International Programmes. Every year, about 100 graduates are awarded the LLB degree by the University of London after having gone through the Preparatory Programmes conducted by PolyU SPEED and having passed the public examinations in May.

This year, the Presentation Ceremony was held at the PolyU campus on 7 January 2012 and about 80 of the graduates participated in it. A delegation of the academics from the University of London International Programmes, including the Dean, Professor Jonathan KYDD, attended the ceremony, making it a memorable event.

The following students with outstanding academic results were presented with awards by the University of London International Programmes in 2010 and 2011: