校友聯歡晚宴 師生校友 濟濟一堂

教育局副秘書長李美嫦女士太平紳士(右三)、理大校長唐偉章教授(右五)、理大校友會 聯會會長樊紹基教授(左四)、專業及持續教育學院院長阮博文教授(左五)、專業及持續 教育學院副院長(發展)及香港專上學院院長梁德榮博士(右一)、專業進修學院院長羅文強博 士(右二)、香港專上學院校友會會長謝紹祺先生(左三)及專業進修學院校友會主席黃詠 霖小姐(右四)聯袂為晚宴主持開幕儀式。
Ms. Michelle LI, JP, Deputy Secretary of Education, Education Bureau (3rd Right), Prof. Timothy W. TONG, President of PolyU (5th Right), Ir Prof. Johnny FAN, President of The Federation of PolyU Alumni Associations (4th Left), Prof. Peter YUEN, Dean of CPCE (5th Left), Dr. Simon LEUNG, Associate Dean (Development) of CPCE and Director of HKCC (1st Right), Dr. Jack LO, Director of SPEED (2nd Right), Mr. Dominic TSE, Chairman of HKCC Alumni Association (3rd Left) and Ms. Leona WONG, Chairman of PolyU SPEED Alumni Association (4th Right) at the opening ceremony of the Alumni Reunion Dinner.
今年是香港理工大學(理大)創校75周年與專業及持續教育學院(CPCE)成立10周年的重要里程,為此,理大香港專上學院(HKCC)及 PolyU SPEED於四月二十日在理大教學研究酒店唯港薈(Hotel ICON)聯合舉行校友聯歡晚宴。當晚,教育局副秘書長李美嫦女士太平紳士亦撥冗出席,與四百多名校友師生濟濟一堂,一同參與盛會。

聯歡晚宴首先由CPCE院長阮博文教授致歡迎辭,他為歷屆校友能各展所長而感到自豪,並娓娓道來理大及CPCE的發展進程:「理大由75年前一所高級工業學院,發展成今天享譽國際的著名大學,為社會培育不少人才。而CPCE成立已10年,現時透過HKCC及PolyU SPEED提供一系列高質素的副學位及學士學位銜接課程,這一切皆有賴政府、理大及一眾教職員的共同努力。」


Alumni gathered at Reunion Dinner To celebrate PolyU's 75th Anniversary

2012 marks the 75th Anniversary of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the 10th Anniversary of College of Professional and Continuing Education (CPCE). To celebrate the anniversary, Hong Kong Community College (HKCC) and PolyU SPEED jointly organised an Alumni Reunion Dinner at Hotel ICON on 20 April, with Ms. Michelle LI, JP, Deputy Secretary of Education, Education Bureau and more than 400 faculty members and alumni attended this meaningful event.

At the beginning of the Dinner, Prof. Peter YUEN, Dean of CPCE gave a welcome speech to express his delightfulness over alumni achievements in different sectors. He also shared the development of PolyU and CPCE, "Growing from a post-secondary technical school to an international renowned university, PolyU has been nurturing talents for society for 75 years. CPCE has been established for 10 years and currently provides quality sub-degree and top-up degree programmes through HKCC and SPEED. All these cannot be achieved without the support from the HKSAR, PolyU and the dedicated academic staff."

Prof. Timothy W. TONG, President of PolyU expressed that, "Over the years, CPCE strives to providing secondary school and sub-degree graduates in Hong Kong an alternative path to continue their education. The College has played an important role in society by successfully nurturing over 20,000 students, who either continue to pursue a higher academic qualification or enter the job market in Hong Kong, Chinese Mainland or overseas countries."

Guests are all delighted when President TONG jamming music with the alumni band.

PolyU SPEED校友們濟濟一堂,見面敘舊,相談甚歡。
PolyU SPEED alumni are happy to see one another again.