
Jennica SADHWANI 正修讀「款待業管理文學士課程」。她是首位獲甄選參與由 Jumeirah Group 與 PolyU SPEED 合辦的「暑期實習計劃2012」的學生。這個學生夢寐以求的計劃讓她走進了全球其中一座最高級和與別不同的酒店──杜拜帆船酒店 (Burj Al Arab) ,並在那裡當起實習生。這個夏天,我們很高興在杜拜和 Jennica 分享她夢想成真的故事。


E : 作為首位參與此計劃的PolyU SPEED學生,你感覺如何?
J :
能夠獲選參與這個實習計劃,我感到很榮幸!作為首位參與此計劃的學生,我不僅代表著PolyU SPEED,更要為將來參與此計劃的學弟妹建立榜樣,所以我一定要做得很好!
E : 你已在杜拜學習或工作了一段時間,現在感覺如何呢?
J :
E : PolyU SPEED的「款待業管理文學士課程」對你在杜拜的學習或工作有沒有幫助呢?
J :
非常有幫助!如果我沒有選讀這個課程,就不會有機會在Jumeirah實習,我真的感到很榮幸。就算是就讀於其他著名大學的學生,也未必會有這個機會呢。我真的慶幸能於PolyU SPEED就讀。

Dialogue in Dubai

Jennica SADHWANI studies "Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Management". She is also the first participant of the coveted Jumeirah-PolyU SPEED Summer Internship Programme 2012, which leads her to one of the world’s finest and most exceptional hotels --- the Burj Al Arab in Dubai. This summer, we have the pleasure of talking with her on how her dream comes true.

E : How do you feel being the first PolyU SPEED student to join this programme?
J :
I feel honoured to be the chosen student for this internship! Being the first student for this programme means that not only am I representing PolyU SPEED, but I am setting the standards for the other students in the following years too - so it had to be done well!
E : How do you feel now after studying / working at Dubai for some time?
J :
I absolutely love this place! I had no problem fitting in. It was almost as if I had lived here for years. I had quickly adjusted to the lifestyle, the routine and the place. I have made plenty of friends who kept me busy after work. People here are very accommodating, providing as much help as possible.
E :
Is PolyU SPEED’s Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Management programme conducive to your study / work at Dubai?
J :
Most definitely, it is. Had I not chosen to study in PolyU SPEED, I would have never had this opportunity with Jumeirah. It is truly an honour; there are students studying in great universities but don't get this opportunity. I am truly blessed to be with PolyU SPEED.


E : 編者Editor
J : Jennica